エージェント的には5/4はみどりの日な一日でしたし、スター・ウォーズファンにはスター・ウォーズの日、な5/4ですが、世界的には国際消防士の日(International FireFighter's Day)、だそうで、GORUCKが対象者に25%オフのセールを行っています。
Do you have a military discount? – The Blue Falcons of the Customer Service World
GORUCK is proud to offer a 25% discount to all active military, law enforcement, and fire/rescue personnel. For a 25% discount on GORUCK built-gear (excludes certain items such as gear made by third-party manufacturers, bundles, and rucking kits.),
International Firefighters' Day (IFFD) is observed on May 4. It was instituted after proposal emailed out across the world on January 4, 1999 due to the deaths of five firefighters in tragic circumstances in a wildfire in Australia. May 4 used to be a traditional Firefighters' Day in many European countries, because it is the day of Saint Florian, patron saint of firefighters.
International Firefighters' Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Firefighters all over, a big THANK YOU!#FireFighterDay pic.twitter.com/gRws2IEc0K
— Reverend Bunnell (@ReverendBunnell) 2016年5月4日
#FireFighterDay Theirs is an honored, respected and dangerous profession and we thank you all. pic.twitter.com/UxkmqQ5Dg6
— vicki ayala (@industrysites) 2016年5月4日
We recognize the selflessness of #Firefighters everywhere! Thank you @MiamiDadeFire @MiamiBeachFire! #FireFighterDay pic.twitter.com/Aq6x7IpmhR
— Bereavement Center (@miamicbc) 2016年5月4日
Thank you #firefighters we are grateful for what you do #FireFighterDay #FirstResponders pic.twitter.com/HUonFdZt8D
— ArrowheadCommunity (@AH_OGC) 2016年5月4日
May the 4th be with you! International FF Day #StarWarsDay #FireFighterDay pic.twitter.com/nDDklghKV9
— South Walton FD (@SWFDINFO) 2016年5月5日
Shout out to the men and women at @IAFF314 from your dispatchers. THANK YOU!! #FireFighterDay #BraveEveryDay pic.twitter.com/Ks8jDaTruA
— TheWolfe (@cwolfe56) 2016年5月4日