ingress:Niantic Labsが独立!求められる人材は?
ネットの超大企業Googleが、Alphabetという新会社の子会社になる、というニュース。今Googleとしてやっているドローンや遺伝子解析などをすべて分社化してAlphabetの傘下に置いて、GoogleはもともとのGoogleらしいサービスに集中する、という話です。そしてNiantic Labsも・・・
Niantic Labs独立。求められる人材は?
今回のニュースは「あのGoogleが子会社化」というところの驚きが大きいわけですが、Niantic Labsもこのグループ再編を受けて会社化するようです。
Niantic Labs
サイトにはバックグラウンドに等高線の地図、そしてロゴに気球にぶら下がった船。下にサービスとしてingressとField Trip。
Niantic Labsは基本的に地図に関連した事業をやっていく、という表れでしょうか?
そしてサービスの下には「EMPLOYMENT OPPOTUNITIES」・・・人材募集だ!ちょっと見てみましょう。
Niantic Labsが求める人材
Unity Game DeveloperCreate mobile real-world MMO games using Unity 3D. You will work with a proven and experienced team of mobile and cloud developers to turn the entire world into a gameboard.
Location: San Francisco Bay Area or Seattle
Key skills: Unity3D (Unity 3D), C#
Mobile Software EngineerCreate mobile real-world MMO experiences on Android and iOS, with a particular emphasis on native, cross-platform development in C++. You will work with a proven and experienced team of mobile and cloud developers to turn the entire world into a gameboard.
Location: San Francisco Bay Area or Seattle
Key skills: Mobile application development, C++, Android or iOS
Software Engineer - Server Infrastructure
Create the server infrastructure to support mobile real-world MMO experiences using Java and Google AppEngine. You will work with a proven and experienced team of mobile and cloud developers to turn the entire world into a gameboard.
Location: San Francisco Bay Area or Seattle
Key skills: Java, Cloud Computing, NoSQL
JavaやGoogle AppEngineを使ってサーバを支える技術者。「to turn the entire world into a gameboard」=全世界をゲームの舞台するのがお仕事です、という素敵な職業ですね。
Quality Assurance Manager
Assure the quality of mobile real-world MMO experiences, validating both server releases and mobile clients on Android and iOS. You will work with a proven and experienced team of mobile and cloud developers to turn the entire world into a gameboard.
Location: San Francisco Bay Area or Seattle
Key skills: QA Testing, Android Testing, iOS Testing
Production Engineer
Maintain the reliability of servers for mobile real-world MMO experiences, and guide mobile client and server releases on Google AppEngine. You will work with a proven and experienced team of mobile and cloud developers to turn the entire world into a gameboard and keep it working.
Location: San Francisco Bay Area or Seattle
Key skills: Site Reliability Engineering, Google AppEngine, Continuous Deployment
Global Community Manager
Lead global community engagement programs for Niantic Labs’ current and future products, including Ingress. Manage player community relations, fan sites, live events and volunteers. Provide feedback to Niantic developers on community sentiment, concerns, and suggestions. Create, manage and schedule content on Niantic Labs’ social channels, including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram and YouTube. Track, report and benchmark weekly social media metrics.
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Key skills: Community management, Social media channel management, written communications, Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects), Python, HTML.